Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rachael's blog!

I am scared of rabbits to begin with. We saw one while Emily and I were running yesterday and it scared me to death. But not as much as the ghost stories we told each other last night! We did not meet Harrison Ford but I got quite a few pictures of his land that he owns in the Tetons.
We went and saw a 7 brides for 7 brothers play and it was amazing! I loved it! We got front row seats too which was awesome! We've been playing lots of Rumy and drinking lots and lots of water.
We have been having like and awesome time and the weather here is so nice. It is a little cold and rainy but it is really nice to sit out on our porch and look out at the lake. I saw the third Pirates of the Carribean:At World's End and it was horrible. I did not like it at all! Just like an F.Y.I.
We had party potatoes last night and Emily and I probally downed a whole pan ourselves and we had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner and it was so good. Those are two of my favorite foods. Another F.Y.I.
Also I noticed that in Idaho my hair stays curled longer than in Houston. I like that it stayed curled like all day while in Houston it goes flat as soon as I walk outside
I have lots of good pictures although they do not capture how beautiful it really is here. I will post them on Facebook when we get home!

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