Wednesday, June 24, 2015


It's been a while.  Too long and yet not long enough. Let me tell you why.

Tomorrow we load up the 5 Kids in the Car and set off on a new adventure.  This is exciting and bittersweet all at the same time.  You have watched our vacations via this blog since Isaiah celebrated his 2nd birthday.

Next week we'll celebrate another of his birthdays on the road- his 9th!  While this is awesome and yes, time flies, what has me most saddened in the back of my mind is that this is Rachael's last childhood vacation. Both she and Lauren will turn 18 in the coming year and start out on their own. I swear they are still tiny little girls just playing dress up but alas,

Rachael has been graduated and leaves for her adult life soon but this summer, oh this summer I am going to cherish each precious moment as desperately as I can.  This is the last family vacation where they are all "officially" kids.  So assume correctly, that I am going to be basking in each moment, each memory and blubbering about it along the way;  I'm going to be treasuring up each conversation, each walk, each new discovery in my heart.  I am so thankful that we have an amazing country to travel and explore.

We decided as soon as we knew we were pregnant that family vacations would always be a priority no matter the circumstances that life brought us.  I'm so thankful that Jason and I agree that experiences are the greatest material possession we can give our kids.  They are thankful we feel this way and are SUPER excited to hit the road in epic DeKelSki fashion.  These trips have given us the opportunity to see them grow in size and age but also, spiritually and in experiences as they learn about our history, get a vision for their futures and learn about all the wonderful people and places that make America great!

If you are new to these parts and this is your first road trip with us.  Let me introduce the DeKelSkis. The DeKelSki Family is actually three in one.  We like to model the Trinity in as many things as possible.  We're going to be touring the same areas as one another this trip but not necessarily at the same time or same order but we are super blessed to have friends that are truly family to share these experiences with.  So stay tuned as you'll be hearing more about them.  Here we all are in the most recent past DeKelSki Road Trip-Yellowstone Edition.

So get ready to go on our Red, White and Blue Road Trip as we explore the United States of America once again- East Coast Edition!!!!! I can't wait to see so many of our nation's treasures including our family and friends along the way!